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  1. forgot to post mine last week... that's not gonna happen now Ticket ID: 2201484296529776874 Ticket ID: 2201493056660844969 Ticket ID: 2201493056665039166 Ticket ID: 2201774210811039882 Ticket ID: 2202151514393424033 Ticket ID: 2202152358593573295 Ticket ID: 2202154128283676762 Ticket ID: 2202757532651499698 Ticket ID: 2202757532651499759 Ticket ID: 2203292415736025616
  2. Ticket ID: 2200616697524789283
  3. game ID: 5353093 Works now: https://bc.game/#/sd/10WLX3HFLLYSK3
  4. I think they mean the same match... because the same odds are very common and wouldn't make sense to exclude a second odd that's the same if the match it different.
  5. adic333 will beat me again, but 3rd place is mine Ticket ID: 2198237937517342813 Ticket ID: 2196405389476630636 Ticket ID: 2196403060652249452 Ticket ID: 2196635631445225486 Ticket ID: 2196634937355018489 Ticket ID: 2197167852350484729 Ticket ID: 2197168296451776708 Ticket ID: 2197170148803227744 Ticket ID: 2197499584643732024 Ticket ID: 2197668724645957917 Ticket ID: 2197670725635149930 Ticket ID: 2198239531499659429
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