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wisdomshot last won the day on September 4 2023

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  1. Good Morning ! Since BC game has staking platform ,, why dont u add Borrowing system on the platform using the players coin as collateral,,, ,, example,,, if a player has 10$ of BTC on his account,,, the player can borrow 5$ in BCD , locking his 10$ of BTC .. the player can only received his 10$ of btc if has fully repaid,,, The higher the level of the players account,,, the lower interest rate, longer term and higher amount of BCD he can borrow..
  2. https://prnt.sc/uFA9oofV4UpJ PROFITS is much important than FUN.... ADMIN YOKO,, created BC GAME FORUM BRAND NEW MEDAL EVENT , She didn't gave the rewards. She also said i'll be having my VIP HOSTS but she didnt ****** IN REGARDS TO GAMEPLAY THATS BEING INTERUPTED,,,, LOCK THE PRIVATE MESSAGING, AND CHATROOMS ****** create reasonable penalties on players who go against chat rules create reasonable chat rules
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