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Everything posted by BestCrypto

  1. Merry christmas % Holy They are all looking for a king Slaughter their enemies and raise them up; You come, a little baby Your coming makes a woman cry. O, Son of man, straighten out my vain life Your presence gives meaning; Not because of Your wheels on the road, Nor is it because of the ocean you sail! You don't care how or who I am, Even you came down to the world To answer all my needs, Yes, faithful prayers that have been said. by_ @BestCrypto % Peace Peace ....? Remember the first time you met in Eden, how beautiful it was Your presence on the human side, very soothing For everything is for you and about you Nothing was missing at that time It's just perfection Treason ..., why? Why did that have to happen? Why were you betrayed by the humans you loved? Wasted, sold, alienated, alienated just because of an offer, an empty honor! However from that time onwards You have become endless longing Since Eden, you have been continuously sought I don't know where you went ... Even though all the means have been taken All tactics have been tried But you never answered again War, murder, infighting, strife ... Chaos ... dead-end ... over .... !!! Is this the end? Without peace? Is there still hope? Are you still alive? That night, since the silence that happened in Eden Faintly heard again the long lost song "... peace on earth among men that is pleasing to Him." Is that you? Are you the one who returned? Yes, it is you with the traits attached to you Even though the scent of animal poop fills your chest cavity Yet you remain calm in the warmth of your manger You come back in the form of a little baby With a sharp face full of warmth Peace ... Peace on earth ... And you are back To make peace with humans. By @BestCrypto
  2. % Holy They are all looking for a king Slaughter their enemies and raise them up; You come, a little baby Your coming makes a woman cry. O, Son of man, straighten out my vain life Your presence gives meaning; Not because of Your wheels on the road, Nor is it because of the ocean you sail! You don't care how or who I am, Even you came down to the world To answer all my needs, Yes, faithful prayers that have been said. by_ @BestCrypto % Peace Peace ....? Remember the first time you met in Eden, how beautiful it was Your presence on the human side, very soothing For everything is for you and about you Nothing was missing at that time It's just perfection Treason ..., why? Why did that have to happen? Why were you betrayed by the humans you loved? Wasted, sold, alienated, alienated just because of an offer, an empty honor! However from that time onwards You have become endless longing Since Eden, you have been continuously sought I don't know where you went ... Even though all the means have been taken All tactics have been tried But you never answered again War, murder, infighting, strife ... Chaos ... dead-end ... over .... !!! Is this the end? Without peace? Is there still hope? Are you still alive? That night, since the silence that happened in Eden Faintly heard again the long lost song "... peace on earth among men that is pleasing to Him." Is that you? Are you the one who returned? Yes, it is you with the traits attached to you Even though the scent of animal poop fills your chest cavity Yet you remain calm in the warmth of your manger You come back in the form of a little baby With a sharp face full of warmth Peace ... Peace on earth ... And you are back To make peace with humans. By @BestCrypto
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